We are preparing a local Italian restaurant where you can enjoy local ingredients and a bakery cafe next to the lodging facilities at Yoshida Village Agritourism.
Treat yourself to a relaxing time in this agricultural village while enjoying delicious food.
Restaurant and Bakery

Italian Restaurant L’ape Ronza
The Italian restaurant L’ape Ronza is located next to the base facilities being planned in Yoshida Village. The cuisine, which is cooked using liberal portions of delicious, fresh-picked ingredients from local farmers by a chef who trained in Italy, is exquisite.
During the day, it is lively with females and parents with children, including those who come from outside the prefecture, while it becomes a place of relaxation for the village at night, as local residents, ranging from the youth to the elderly, gather to enjoy food and wine.
This restaurant is a symbol of Yoshida Village, as it may be simple, but it is like a lovable countryside bar in Italy.
Italian Cafe Bar
L’ape Ronza
〈WEB site〉
TEL +81)0285-39-7708
FAX +81)0285-39-7706

*Scheduled to open in 2020
THE STANDARD BAKERS, which became a very popular bakery restaurant with long lines of people from inside and outside Tochigi Prefecture as soon as it opened in Oya, Utsunomiya in 2018, is scheduled to open a bakery cafe inside the base facility of Yoshida Village Agritourism.
This restaurant instantly became famous, not just for its delicious food but also for its fashionable branding, through supervision by the owner of Ustunomiya’s popular bakery panification U and hiring a chef from the famous Joel Robuchon restaurant in Tokyo.
In addition to serving as a cafe where guests can enjoy a relaxed time in this agricultural village, it will also provide breakfast for the lodging facility.